media diary: may, june, july


Media Diary:

White Mustang in California

City Lights in SF

May/June/July 2024


The Four-Chambered Heart by Anais Nin
Today a Woman Went Mad in the Supermarket by Hilma Wolitzer
You Get So Alone That Sometimes It Just Makes Sense by Charles Bukowski
There There by Tommy Orange
Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paolo Freire
The Feminine Mystique by Betty Freidan
Right-Wing Women by Andrea Dworkin
Golden Son by Pierce Brown
Slow Days, Fast Company by Eve Babitz
Tristessa by Jack Kerouac
A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf
The Kingdom of Surfaces by Sally Wen Mao* (still reading)

I've also read approx. 7,005 articles and excerpts for my IS (Feminist Pedagogy; Feminist and Family Studies); they were all totally eye-opening and revolutionary to my practice as artist-poet-educator and were instrumental in the creation of my two most recent zines ("Re-Visions" and "Dreamwork"). I'll link a reading list l8r xoxo


"Just Once" by Anne Sexton
"Artichoke" by Joseph Hutchison
"Toads Talking by a River" by James Tate
"Good Girl" by Jeanann Verlee
"Insomnia" by Jeanann Verlee
"Fare Well" by John Berryman
"Silence" by Kay Ryan
"IOBK (Incapable of Being King) Self-Portrait as the Lion" by Robin Coste Lewis

Visual Art, Essays, Other Obsessions:

  • Paintings of the penitent Magdalene, like the one by Jean-Jacques Henner
  • Rodin's Gates of Hell
  • This quote by Bernice Bing: "I, being a woman, an Asian and a lesbian in a white male system, where do I start to recover my reality?"
  • This quote about Bernice Bing's work: "Self-estrangement was a form of self-preservation."
  • This Janet Jackson quote: "This is a story about control...and I've got lots of it."
  • The name of a Rodin display in Stanford's Cantor Arts Center: "The Shock of the Modern Body"
  • I started watching Sex and the City. Typical.
  • Georgia O'Keeffe, Judy Chicago, feminist artists and painters from the 60s-90s
  • Bob Dylan photographs from the 60s
  • Interior design - getting fussy about Tiffany lamps, rugs, record bookshelves, bedsheets, wrought iron headboards, secondhand tea kettles
  • Getting back into watching film <3 If u have recs, let me know. I like arty stuff; A24 tends to be a fave. I also love French New Wave, b&ws, etc. 
  • Jazz/jazz clubs
  • Erasure poetry, using text messages
  • Grief
  • Ring tan lines; watching wounds become scars; letting bruises fade; sweating; telling people I love them; handwritten notes 
  • Blunt bangs
  • Wearing my retainers 
  • White Mustang convertible w/the top down, headscarf and red lip on, Lana playing on full-volume, nothing between the sea and me

Georgia O'Keeffe

Georgia O'Keeffe

Albums and Playlists: 

Charm by Clairo
Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? by The Cranberries
Camp by Childish Gambino
I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got by Sinead O'Connor
Bando Stone and the New World by Childish Gambino
Petals to Thorns by d4vd
MADRA by NewDad
Desire by Bob Dylan
Blue by Joni Mitchell
Let's Start Degeneracy by Microwave
Nefertiti by Miles Davis
Reunions by Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit

Playlists (in-progress and semi-complete) include...

Summer Hopefuls: 

  • Judith Butler's Gender Trouble and Julia Kristeva's essay on abjection/horror
  • Need to get my crap together with Stafford challenge, if only for the next month or so
  • Would like to get my triples and a helix piercing, but this is low on priorities tbh
  • Dying 2 see Shakespeare on the Common again
  • Get back on my film and music snobbery 
  • Finish "Re-Visions" zine and modify for release to the public; perhaps do the same w/"Dreamwork", but honestly would like to bring those pieces into my MFA and create a second collection from them, much like Work/house
  • Read some more of The Second Sex and revisit some readings from my IS; would like to crack into some Sartre and Beauvoir again, too
  • Take up running/start a couch-to-5k so I can run along the river this autumn


Taken while tide-pooling in California


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