Events, Readings and Workshops

I represented Salem State University at
BC's 2022 Intercollegiate Undergraduate Poetry Festival

Posing for a picture with Kevin Carey 
after opening for Naomi Shihab Nye's
reading as part of the SSU Writer's Series in 2022. 

Hanging out with the Gloucester Writer's Center 
at the T.S. Eliot Cats! festival.

Sharing work as a featured reader at
Walnut Street in Lynn, MA.

Upcoming Events, Workshops and Readings

Upcoming Publications

"mother is daughter is mother" will appear in the Spring 2024 Issue of the MomEgg Review.

My review of Glitter Road by January O'Neil appears in Issue 10 of Molecule.

My review of Death Prefers the Minor Keys by Sean Thomas Dougherty will appear in the upcoming issue of Paterson Literary Review. 

Five of my poems will appear in the upcoming issue of Palooka.



I will be reading with the Ad Hoc Poets Society and I will be hosting an open mic at the Salem Arts Festival in June 2024.

I will be reading with The MomEgg Review via Zoom in June 2024. 




I won the 2023 Creativity Award for Creative Writing at Salem State University. 
I won the 2023 Claire Keyes Undergraduate Poetry Prize for my poem, "TO STEAL A CHILD, HALF-FORMED FROM THE DEPTHS, IS TO MAKE YOURSELF A MOTHER".

Past Stuff, Other Affiliations

I am currently the Managing Editor of Soundings East. Issue #46 goes to print in Spring 2024.

I was the poetry editor at Soundings East literary magazine for Issue #45. 

I was the Young Teaching Artist at the Gloucester Writers Center from 2022-2023.

I opened for Naomi Shihab Nye as part of the SSU Writer's Series back in November of 2022.

I headlined my first reading at the Gloucester Writer's Center with my dear friend, Heather Wright. 

I ran a workshop at the Gloucester Writer's Center entitled, "Her Blue Body Everything We Know: Confronting and Celebrating the Corporeal." 

I presented my thesis, Work/house, at the 2023 NRHC conference in Pittsburgh. 

I read at MassPoetry's March U35 at Trident Booksellers.

I hosted the 2023 Intercollegiate Undergraduate Poetry Festival at Salem State University, in collaboration with MassPoetry. 

I took on the role of Volunteer Lead at the 2023 Massachusetts Poetry Festival.

I read at the Italian-American Writers Association in November 2023. 

I hosted workshops and readings as part of the 2024 UNH Nossrat Yassini Poetry Festival.


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