reading list: summer study


Reading List:

Summer Study '24

Here is a list of (some) articles, books, and digital resources I read this summer (mostly May-July) for my Feminist and Family Studies/Feminist Pedagogy studies. I used a lot of the theory covered in these works to produce two mini-collections (Dreamwork, which pulls from family archives, merging second-wave feminist theory with my matrilineage; Re-Visions, which documents my traditional and nontraditional learning experiences about math, English/writing, my body, and how I either recreate or dismantle and re-vision these experiences for my own students) that I'm hoping to fold into a larger manuscript. 

I've organized readings into various topics. You can really trace my obsessions based on this reading list! I went through an intense few weeks where I analyzed social media through the lens of second-wave feminist theory, with a special interest in food influencers and the tradcath/femcel movements on Instagram. I accessed articles through JSTOR. I'm hoping to return to more of these readings and continue to edit/add to this list as my studies deepen! Some of the works listed are still unread, but I include them here because I am hoping to read them soon :)

Simone de Beauvoir, author of The Second Sex 

"Intro to Feminism": Wave Theory, etc.

bell hooks, the author of, among many countless influential works, Teaching to Transgress. This book is literally my bible.

Housework, Housewives, and Marriage
  • ‘I Want a Wife,’ by Judy Brady Syfers: New York mag, 1971 (

  • “Marriage as Punishment” by Melissa Murray

  • “Housework” by Nona Glazer-Malbin

  • Introduction and “The Married Woman” (chapter 5, volume II) from The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir

  • Introduction, preface, chapters 1-5 of The Feminine Mystique by Betty Freidan (Freidan is problematic and I critiqued her a ton while I was reading this text)

  • “Plath, Domesticity, and the Art of Advertising” by Marsha Bryant

  • “Depression and the Social Dimensions of the Full-Time Housewife Role” by Constance L. Shehan et al.

  • “The Mother” (chapter 6, volume II) from The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir

  • “From the Second Sex to the Joint Venture: an Overview of Women’s Rights and Family Law in the United States During the Twentieth Century” by Herma Hill Kay

  • Selected essays from Stay-at-Home Mothers: Dialogues and Debates by Elizabeth Reid Boyd and Gayle Letherby*

Sylvia Yanagisako; I need to return to her work. She offers so much in her writing about kinship theory!

Kinship and Family Structure/s
  • “Family and Household: the Analysis of Domestic Groups” by Sylvia Yanagisako

  • “Feminism and Kinship Theory” by Sylvia Yanagisako

  • “Kinship as a Relation” by Marilyn Strathern

  • Chapters 6-10 of The Feminine Mystique by Betty Freidan

Virginia Woolf, author of A Room of One's Own, a text I used to frame Dreamwork

Social Media and Feminism
  • "Our Bodies, Online" by Carmen Winant
  • "The Selfie and the Slut: Bodies, Technology, and Public Shame" by Nishant Shah
  • "Social Media and Feminist Values: Aligned or Misaligned?" by Kate Ott

Liberation (?) and Looking Beyond
  • “The Independent Woman” from The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir

  • Chapters ten-fourteen of TFM by Betty Freidan, epilogue optional

  • A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf

  • Barbara Johnson readings from A World of Difference and The Feminist Difference

Paolo Freire, author of Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Intro to Feminist Pedagogy

  • Teaching to Transgress by bell hooks
  • Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paolo Freire
  • “What is Feminist Pedagogy?” by Caroline Shrewsbury
  • “Theory or Practice -- What Exactly Is Feminist Pedagogy?” by Julie Brown
  • “Feminism, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Kindness” by Shoshana Magnet, Corinne Lysandra Mason, Kathryn Trevenen

Adrienne Rich, poet-activist

Emotions, Patriarchy, Silence, and the Writing Classroom
  • “The absent presence: Patriarchy, Capitalism, and the Nature of Teacher Work” by Patti Lather
  • “The Heart Has Its Reasons: Feeling, Thinking, and Community-Building in Feminist Education” by Berenice Fisher
  • “Unlearning to Not Speak: Feminism in the Classroom” by Judith Stietzel
  • “Feminist Pedagogy: Transforming the High School Classroom” by Paula A. Roy and Molly Schen
  • “Style as Politics: A Feminist Approach to the Teaching of Writing” by Pamela J. Annas
  • Learning Our Ways: Essays in Feminist Education by Charlotte Bunch and Sandra Pollack - purchased
  • “When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision” by Adrienne Rich*
    • Massively influential on my summer teaching
  • “On Teaching a Feminist Writing Workshop” by Francine Krasno
  • The Nothing Never Happens podcast by Tina Pippin and Lucia Hulsether

Gender and Eating
  • "Food Rules in the United States: Individualism, Control, and Hierarchy" by Carole M. Counihan
  • "How Beautiful Women Eat: Feminine Hunger in American Popular Culture" by April Davidauskis
  • "Appetites, Disorder, and Desire" by Lisa H. Schwartzman
  • "Women and Food Chains: The Gendered Politics of Food" by Patricia Allen and Carolyn Sachs

Bettye Saar, visual artist

Feminist Art and Feminist Art Education
  • Judy Chicago's artwork; the artwork of Bettye Saar, Cindy Sherman, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Martha Rosler, Karen Mack, Luchita Hurtado, Kiki Smith, Lorna Simpson, Frida Kahlo, Mary Cassatt, Ayshia Muezzin, Jessica Rankin and Florine Stettheimer
  • “Judy Chicago and the Practice of 1970s Feminism” by Jane Gerhard
  • “From Content to Form: Judy Chicago’s Pedagogy with Reflections by Judy Chicago” by Karen-Keifer Boyd
  • “A Feminist Art Program” by Judy Chicago

Luchita Hurtado, visual artist

Black Feminist Pedagogies, Abolitionist Pedagogy
  • This YouTube recording of Patricia Hill Collins's "Black Feminism, Intersectionality and Democratic Possibilities" lecture at Montgomery University
  • "Nobody Mean More: Black Feminist Pedagogy and Solidarity" by Alexis Pauline Gumbs
  • "Emancipatory Narratives: Rewriting the Master Script in the School Narrative" by Ellen Swartz
  • "The Disorientation of the Teaching Act: Abolition as Pedagogical Position" by Dylan Rodriguez
  • "Abolition in the Neoliberal University: Notes on Trauma-Informed Practice, Collaboration, and Confronting the Impossible" by Ardath Whynacht, Emily Arsenault, Rachael Cooney
  • "The Fire This Time: Black Lives Matter, Abolitionist Pedagogy, and the Law" by Charles R. Lawrence III
  • “A Black Feminist Interpretation: Reading Life, Pedagogy, and Emilie” by Conra D. Gist
  • “Lessons in Transgression: #BlackGirlsMatter and the Feminist Classroom” by Stephanie Troutman and Ileana Jimenez
  • “A Black Feminist Pedagogy” by Barbara Omolade
  • “Chapter Four: Black Feminist Pedagogy: Critiques and Contributions” by Annette Henry
  • “Chapter Eight: Alternative, Critical Multicultural, Abolitionist Pedagogies that Facilitate Critical Literacies” by Antonio Del Prete et al.

Ileana Jimenez, aka "The Feminist Teacher"

Barbara Omolade, activist, writer and teacher

Full Texts
  • The Gender Knot by Allan Johnson
  • Gender Trouble by Judith Butler
  • Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection by Julia Kristeva
  • Learning Our Way: Essays in Feminist Education by Charlotte Bunch
  • Teaching to Transgress by bell hooks
  • Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paolo Freire

Judith Butler, theorist


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